Carrie Beth Stoelting |
About the Founder
As the founder of UnitedForMovieAction.com, Carrie Stoelting has the desire to improve movie content. At the age of sixteen, Carrie began her fight to improve movies. Carrie has personally observed deterioration of movie morals. She is working hard to alert Hollywood that it needs to change. Please join Carrie in her vital campaign to improve Hollywood!
UnitedForMovieAction.com began when Carrie and constitutional attorney, Scott Somerville, contacted the Senate Judiciary Committee about forming a bill to allow people to buy edited modern movies (without the original inappropriate content). Many letters, calls, and meetings were executed until President George W. Bush signed the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act in April of 2005. The Family Movie Act portion of the new law allows people to buy movies that have been edited. However, movies released to theaters still need to improve! That is why Carrie's mission is not over yet. Unitedformovieaction.com is designed to help people make a difference in Hollywood!
Born and reared in the plains of Northwest Iowa, Carrie developed a strong work ethic, love for God and family, and a passion for America. She has one sister, Stacie, founder of Bright Light Ministry (www.brightlightministry.com). Carrie has enjoyed viewing clean movies all of her life. She is a fan of movies of Hollywood’s Golden Era, especially High Noon and Singin' In the Rain.
Carrie is actively campaigning for the 2008 presidential election as a delegate. She was a Spring 2006 intern for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a 2005 Congressional Award Gold Medal recipient and a 2005 Presidential Classroom alumnus. Carrie believes that it is her life’s mission to serve her Lord, Jesus Christ, and her country.